Visual Communication: Definition, Strategy, Importance

As time passes, technological advances shape how we consume information. A few decades ago, it was mostly newspapers when we got our news – today, your phone pings you with breaking news almost as soon as the event has occurred. And while these two may seem worlds apart to you today, both use visual elements… Continue reading Visual Communication: Definition, Strategy, Importance

Why every startup needs a ui/ux designer

The product development process for software has come a long way in the last few decades. In this regard, Marcelo Cordini, Co-Founder of December Labs says, “Back in the day the business folks provided a list of requirements to developers. Once the code was done, the developers made changes to fonts and interactions. Sometimes, we… Continue reading Why every startup needs a ui/ux designer

Why Do Digital Skills Matter More Now Than Ever Before?

Keeping up with the ever-changing times is a crucial ingredient in evolving. And if there is one factor that helped mankind take leaps into modern living, it is technology. Since the advent of technology, we have acquired a plethora of skills—connecting via emails, making a presence on social media platforms, learning interactive ways of studying… Continue reading Why Do Digital Skills Matter More Now Than Ever Before?

Communication Design as a Career

Since time immemorial, communication has remained an indispensable aspect of human activity. It is regarded as the basis of human interactions, strategic decision making and interpersonal relationships. But over the past few years, with the advancement of technology and booming growth in businesses, communication design has garnered unprecedented popularity and grown manifold both as an… Continue reading Communication Design as a Career

Role of Cartoon and Animation in Digital Communication

 Cartoons and animation are two terms that have often been used interchangeably not only for ease of communication but also because they share several similarities that blur the boundaries between the two. However, there are certain distinctions and characteristics that differentiate them from one another, not only for purposes of categorization but also conceptually. Better… Continue reading Role of Cartoon and Animation in Digital Communication

Career in Animation: All you need to know

Are you creative with a flair for design? Do new-age visual formats and effects inspire you? If yes, you should consider a career in animation. Animation refers to the technique of bringing inanimate objects to life with an illusion of movement. The animation uses computer-generated imagery to produce 2D or 3D objects like puppets, cartoons,… Continue reading Career in Animation: All you need to know

The SCOPE OF UI/UX Design in India

Difference Between UI/UX Design The term UI/UX stands for user interface/user experience design and refers to the practice of designing digital products with a user-first approach. In other words, the point of UI/UX design is to create a product that will be both visually appealing and highly pleasant to interact with.  A common misconception is… Continue reading The SCOPE OF UI/UX Design in India

Relationship Between Visual Communication and Social Media

Meaning of Visual Communication Visual communication, in simple words, is the use of symbols and visuals to convey a message or an information. Along with verbal communication and nonverbal communication, it is one of the three main ways of communication. According to research, since primitive times, people have relied on visual communication the most –… Continue reading Relationship Between Visual Communication and Social Media

The Anatomy of Digi-Tales (Digital Storytelling)

What is Digital Storytelling? Introduction to Digital Storytelling Stories are one of the vital ingredients of human evolution, we wouldn’t be who we are if we hadn’t heard the stories that we have. Do you remember the first story you ever heard  in your life? It has something to say about who you are today.… Continue reading The Anatomy of Digi-Tales (Digital Storytelling)


Visual communication is a discipline which involves the use of images and visual elements for the purpose of communication, these could be  photographs, Graphics, infographics, gifs,  animations, motion graphics, films to convey an idea or information. Since the time of the cave man, the desire to communicate visually has been one of the foremost endeavours… Continue reading AN OVERVIEW OF FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION

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